Plate-to-HSS Welded Connections
On-line Webinar - 0.2 CEU
Duration: 120 min (2 hours)
Presenter: Dr. Jeffrey Packer
Course Description/Overview
This module covers the design of hollow structural section (HSS) connections formed by welding structural steel plates to HSS members. A detailed Table of Contents is as follows. Symbols will follow CSA S16 where they exist, otherwise internationally popular notation will be used (e.g. CIDECT). Technical content will conform to CSA S16 where it exists, otherwise it will follow international recommendations (e.g. CIDECT Design Guides 1 & 3).
Table of Contents
• Longitudinal Branch Plate‐to CHS under plate axial load
• Longitudinal Through Plate‐to‐CHS under plate axial load
• Transverse Branch Plate‐to‐HSS under plate axial load (and thus, by analogy, unreinforced W‐section beam‐to‐CHS column moment connections as well)
• Transverse Through Plate‐to CHS under plate axial load
• Longitudinal Branch Plate‐to‐CHS under plate shear load (Shear Tabs)
• Longitudinal Through Plate‐to‐CHS under plate shear load
• Longitudinal Branch Plate‐to‐CHS under plate combined load (Axial + Shear)
• Longitudinal Branch Plate‐to RHS under plate axial load
• Longitudinal Through Plate‐to‐RHS under plate axial load
• Transverse Branch Plate‐to‐RHS under plate axial load (and thus, by analogy, unreinforced W‐section beam‐to‐RHS column moment connections as well)
• Transverse Through Plate‐to RHS under plate axial load
• Longitudinal Branch Plate‐to‐RHS under plate shear load (Shear Tabs)
• Longitudinal Through Plate‐to‐RHS under plate shear load
• Longitudinal Branch Plate‐to‐RHS under plate combined load (Axial + Shear)
• Plates slotted into the end of CHS, under axial load
• Plates slotted into the end of RHS, under axial load