CISC Connections 2: Design of Steel Connections (2nd Ed.)
CISC Connections 2: Design of Steel Connections (2nd Ed.)
17 hours - 1.7 CEUs
Self-Paced (Time Limited*) On-line Course
This course is the second in a two level series intended to develop the skills necessary for the design of steel connections as related to the construction of steel-framed structures. Successful completion of Connections I course is strongly recommended.
The course duration is 17 hours in length, comprising of 14 subject modules in separate video sessions. The basic objective is to assist steel industry personnel in their understanding of basic connection design principles, and after a review of material presented in Connections 1, to design more complex welded and bolted connections suitable for fabrication. Participants will also understand the origin of the rules and standards used in the steel industry. The scope of the course is limited to connections normally encountered in common types of steel building structures and does not include connections in Seismic Force Resisting Systems, type CC or otherwise.
The course is intended for:
- structural design consultants
- engineers and draftspersons employed by steel fabrication companies or structural steel drafting and detailing firms
- educators involved in teaching steel detailing courses
Once the course is completed, a Certificate of Completion is issued to the course participant. Access to the training platform is terminated once the course has been completed.
*The course participant has 6 months access to the platform, from time of purchase, to complete the course material.